Demonstrating Leadership by Informing

CAO Makes Owner/Mortgagee Email Questions Optional to Simplify the Annual Return Process

CAO Makes Owner/Mortgagee Email Questions Optional to Simplify the Annual Return Process

Many of our managers have recently accessed the Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) website to complete and file their corporation’s Annual Return. Until last week, the online Annual Return form included, among other things, questions about owners’ and mortgagees’ email addresses. Those questions had to be answered to complete the Return.

However, the questions were awkward and difficult to answer. As a result, many managers were having difficulty completing the Annual Return.

GOOD NEWS: As the result of intervention of our FirstService Residential Vice-President, Community Development, John Damaren, the CAO has now made those questions optional.  Our managers should have no problem completing their corporation’s Annual Return.