Helping to Shape the World's Best Condominium Communities

Training Programs

Service Excellence

All new employees to Crossbridge are required to take our Service Excellence training. This training assists the employee to understand how the company operates, but more importantly, stresses the importance Crossbridge places on providing excellent customer service to our internal and external clients. Core values include treating each resident with utmost respect, understanding that contributing to the success of our condominium communities will make us successful and practicing the highest standards of ethics and integrity in our business and personal affairs.

Our Four Steps to Service include:

Empathy – Understand the resident’s point of view and determining each resident’s unique needs

Individual Responsibility – Anticipate needs and exceed expectations

Personalize the Moment of Truth – Refer to each resident by name and make every resident feel welcome

Courtesy - Always be courteous, use professional etiquette and show appreciation.

Administration Training

Administration training is taken by all property managers, site administrators and accounting staff and a written manual is provided to each Staff member. This training sets standards in routine office procedures and ensures consistency in providing quality information – whether it be receiving owner’s common charges, collecting arrears, processing an invoice for payment, preparing Status Certificates or preparing payroll information for building staff.

Budgets and Financial Statement Training

Crossbridge takes pride in the quality of the accounting processes and budget tools utilized in reporting to our client sites. The mandatory level of training given to every manager related to financial statement presentations and preparing budgets is second to none. We have developed sophisticated computer forecast models that accurately and consistently budget accurate levels of utility consumption and condominium payroll costs. All of the calculated budget forecast projections are solidly based on a scientific approach to budgeting and the uncertainty of guesswork has been removed. Accounting team members are also mandated to take this industry leading training to ensure that the head office support is in place for all site managers. Finally, every budget is reviewed by senior management to ensure that the accuracy and quality expected by our clients is present in every budget and financial statement presented to the boards of directors.

OSHA Training

A comprehensive Ontario Health and Safety training program has been developed as a part of the mandatory continuing education program at Crossbridge to assist our managers and client sites to meet Ontario legislation. In addition to understanding risk assessment and mitigation, programs have been developed that can be implemented at the site level to meet the Ministry of Labour's requirements. Workplace Harassment and Violence policies, trades and service provider protocols and WHMIS training as well as other related systems encompass this mandatory training program to ensure that both Crossbridge staff and client sites remain safe and legal environments for all.

Business Communication Training

Crossbridge is committed to assisting our property managers communicate their thoughts clearly and concisely. Our communications should inform easily and invite quick, confident decision-making. Through a variety of mechanisms, including weekly email and writing tips, recommendations on ESL training, grammar apps and web resources such as grammer and writing blogs, Crossbridge is helping our property managers meet the expectations of our boards.

Property Managers' Meetings

A training component forms part of each property managers' meeting. This varies from meeting to meeting and will include presentations on specific issues, updates on legislation and case law, case studies by management teams and other vital information to keep our property managers up to date on industry issues.


There are three major industry conferences each year which offer both trade shows and educational sessions. The ACMO/CCI Conference is held in the Fall of each year, as is PM Expo. PM Springfest is offered in the spring of each year. Management staff are encouraged to attend these conferences to assist them in keeping up with the overall industry and legislative changes affecting our industry.

RCM Courses

Crossbridge Condominium Services Ltd. has been certified with ACMO 2000. This program, through the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO) is similar to the ISO9000 program and is intended to provide standards of service from member companies. Part of this program is the ability to offer the 4 courses leading to the property manager RCM (Registered Condominium Manager) designation. To become an RCM, individuals must complete courses in Condominium Law, Physical Building Management, Financial Management and Administration, as well as 2 years direct experience as a property manager. The property manager must then write a 3-hour exam and pass with a grade of 75%.

Each RCM course is between 45 and 52 instructional hours. Our training facility allows us to teach 20 students at a time and courses have generally been at full capacity. As of the end of 2013, we have had approximately 160 individuals take Condominium Law, 155 individuals take Physical Building Management, and 135 individuals take Financial Management and 145 take Administration. Crossbridge strongly supports our property managers in achieving their designation and sets each course in a way that part of the course hours are during normal working hours and part are on the individual’s own time.