Demonstrating Leadership by Informing

What would your corporation do with an extra $230,000?

What would your corporation do with an extra $230,000?

Property management is a Iot like an iceberg.  The tip of an iceberg, like the property manager, is easy to see and identify with.  And just like that iceberg, what you see is only a hint of what lies beneath the surface – there are many people and processes working behind the scenes to support the manager, delivering value to our clients.

Last week provided a great example of how those resources worked together to provide value that goes un-noticed most of the time.  A member of our accounting group collaborated with our energy manager to successfully appeal a decision made by the corporation’s electrical utility.  This work resulted in a financial adjustment of $230,000, and significant annual electricity savings!  The only thing the property manager had to answer was “Would you like that in one cheque to the corporation?”  Yes please!

Delivering value like this required rigorous processes, specialized knowledge, and professional people whom cared enough that they did not accept what the utility had told our client – that’s great service.  We don’t come across gems like this very often, but we’re always looking even though our clients aren’t always aware of our efforts.  These kinds of success stories are what drives us to continue to dig deeper, go that extra step and gives us the satisfaction of a job well done.  Our clients success is our success.